Thursday, March 31, 2011

How should a nation-state develop its foreign policy in accordance to its values and in connection to the development of its domestic policy?

A foreign policy refers to the ways a government advances its intrests in world politics. Foreign policy consists of self interests strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve its goals within international relations. Creating the foreign policy is usually the job of the head of the government. During the formation of a foreign policy the president is the main person, surrounded by the executive branch.
A domestic policy is the set of laws and regulations that a government establishes within a nations’ borders. Domestic policy covers a wide range of areas, including businesses, education, energy, health care, natural resources’….ect.
            A Domestic policy is formed and implemented based on a nations form of government. In a authoritarian government a ruling group may pursue its domestic policy goals without and input of the people. In a democratic society people have more of a say in this policy. In a democracy the domestic policy is lead by the elected leaders, lawmaking bodies and government agencies, but also the people. The voters is one example. The media, activist group, lobbyists also influence the policy.
            Foreign and domestic policy is still a tricky subject for me.. From what I understand the development of our foreign policy is the outcome of the needs of our nation and the people in it. Also how the policy interacts with other countries around the world. I think that for our nation to stay strong and powerful we need to develop the foreign policy from the interests of the nation, and not based on how other nations see us, or what they want. It should be what is best for our nation!
            After reading some other post and gaining knowledge about this subject from my peers I have learned that foreign policy is a very tricky subject and something that people need to take precaution to when developing. I have learned that we need to make sure that we are picking the right countries to make a policy with. A foreign policy must be beneficial to us as well as the other side.

How is a foreign policy formed step by step?

Friday, March 18, 2011

What role do judges and the judicial system play in supporting freedom?

What role do judges and the judicial system play in supporting freedom?

The United States is known for having one of the most sophisticaeted judicial systems in the world. Thousands of people partake in the judicial system daily; these include law enforment officers, lawyers, judges, gov official, accused criminals. One of the main reasons the system is successful is a balanced and carefully ordered hierarchy.
A judge is a person who presides over a court of law. The judges of the supreme court of the US are called justices or judges of peace. The judge hears all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the parties, then determines the credibility, and makes a final judgment. In the courtroom there are many rules that exists regarding how evidence and testimony is presented, these rules are to insure fairness to each side.

Judges and the judicial system have a huge effect in supporting freedom. They work to insure equality and fairness to the people. The judicial system is set up to enforce the laws of the constitution. Like I said before they work to make sure there is fairness amongst the people. The Supreme Court is in charge of the state and district courts and the supreme court make sure the America is getting what they want.

what do you think the most important thing the judge does to insure fairness and freedom?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How does the U.S. Congress, as it exists in its current structure, support and/or limit authentic representation?

How does the U.S. Congress, as it exists in its current structure, support and/or limit authentic representation?

The U.S Congress consists of the senate and the House of Representatives. Both senators and representatives are chosen through direct election. The structure of the US Congress is bicameral, it is made up of two houses or branches the house and senate

So there is a senate and the house of representatives; we elect them and they represent each state, and that states beliefes and wants. In the beginning of chapter seven page 169 the author stated that Woodrow Wilson believed “that, unquestionable, the predominant and controlling force, the center and source of all motive and regulative power, id Congress. Also later in this chapter the author states “what happens inside congress is not simply a function of outside forces brought to bear on it in the form of lobbying, campaign contributitions, and election results.

As it states in the book the most important aspects of congres’s structure is its division into two parts.. the senate and the house of representatives. These two parts are then divided into chambers of congresswhich each represent different kinds of constitencies. Senate represents state(each state has 2 members to the senante; the house of representatives represents districts within states based on population. Senators serve 6 years and reps serve 2 years
this is the giv structure broken down..

Congress is said to be decentralized, its structure makes it difficult for congress to articulate a broad program and provide leadership to the government

Do you think congress reflects the larger society?

Friday, March 4, 2011

In what ways does the U.S. Presidency support and limit the formation of an ideal democracy?

First, to start I want to describe and ideal democracy. An Ideal democracy has effective participation, equality in voting, informed electorate, ect. An ideal democracy also has an Ideal leader who chooses the right things to better the people. Democracy is all about the people, the voice of the people.
  1. ·  Effective Participation - Citizens must have adequate and equal opportunities to form their preference and place questions on the public agenda and express reasons for one outcome over the other.
  2. ·  Voting Equality at the Decisive Stage - Each citizen must be assured his or her judgements will be counted as equal in weights to the judgements of others.
  3. ·  Enlightened Understanding - Citizens must enjoy ample and equal opportunities for discovering and affirming what choice would best serve their interests.
  4. ·  Control of the Agenda - Demos or people must have the opportunity to decide what political matters actually are and what should be brought up for deliberation.
  5. ·  Inclusiveness - Equality must extend to all citizens within the state. Everyone has legitimate stake within the political process
There is a book called Bad for Democracy that relates a lot to this topic. In this book the author Nelson argues that the United States presidency has become too powerful and that all citizens seem to do is vote for president every four years and not much else. The president supports the formation of an ideal democracy the president is elected through the people. The president elected represents the peoples values and ideas and what they want in government. Once the president is put in position they then get a lot of power. They get to choose his cabinet, and legislation. If the president does try to hold to much power there is always check and balances

Presidency supports the formation of an ideal democracy because….
-         decisions must be approved by congress and state
-         elected in by the people

Presidency limits the formation of an ideal democracy because
-         president can veto bills he see unfit for society
-         president has lat say on bill

what do you think the the first step towards a more ideal democracy is and why?