Friday, March 18, 2011

What role do judges and the judicial system play in supporting freedom?

What role do judges and the judicial system play in supporting freedom?

The United States is known for having one of the most sophisticaeted judicial systems in the world. Thousands of people partake in the judicial system daily; these include law enforment officers, lawyers, judges, gov official, accused criminals. One of the main reasons the system is successful is a balanced and carefully ordered hierarchy.
A judge is a person who presides over a court of law. The judges of the supreme court of the US are called justices or judges of peace. The judge hears all the witnesses and any other evidence presented by the parties, then determines the credibility, and makes a final judgment. In the courtroom there are many rules that exists regarding how evidence and testimony is presented, these rules are to insure fairness to each side.

Judges and the judicial system have a huge effect in supporting freedom. They work to insure equality and fairness to the people. The judicial system is set up to enforce the laws of the constitution. Like I said before they work to make sure there is fairness amongst the people. The Supreme Court is in charge of the state and district courts and the supreme court make sure the America is getting what they want.

what do you think the most important thing the judge does to insure fairness and freedom?

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