Sunday, February 27, 2011

How do individuals and groups of people influence the political process?

Individuals and groups of people influence the political process a lot. One of the biggest ways an individual can influence the political process is through their vote. The power of a vote is enormous! Through your single vote you can put your word in of who you want to represent you… and your values and beliefs.

Campaigns, rallies, protest, donations, voting…. These are all ways people influence the political process

The political process is all about public opinion. The opinion of the public is what makes up the majority of the political process(rallies,voting, ect.)

One of the main groups that influence the political process is the media. In my opinion this is a bad thing. The media always seems to take the little information they have and drag it out into a long story full of lies… The media is portraying politics, and politic leaders in the wrong ways. A lot of Americans rely on the information they receive from these media informatives. Some Americans are very knowledgable about the political world around them, but there are also many that don’t know much so they will believe the skewed data from the media.

Interest groups are any organization of people with policy goals who work within the political process to promote such goals. Groups attempt to influence policy in various ways including:
  • Lobbying government. Organized interests hire representatives to advocate on behalf of the group's interests. Lobbying activities include contacting members of Congress and the executive branch to disseminate information about the positive or adverse effects of proposed legislation.
  • Engaging in election activities. Interests may attempt to influence elections in order to help get people who support their issues elected or reelected. Electioneering techniques include giving money to candidates, endorsing candidates or issues, and conducting grassroots activities such as get-out-the-vote drives.
  • Educating various publics. Interest groups work hard to educate the public at large, government officials, their own members, and potential interest group members.
  • Mobilizing various publics. To influence policy-making, many groups rely on the efforts of people who are motivated to act on behalf of their issues and causes. So-called grassroots activities might include writing letters, making phone calls, contacting policy-makers, and demonstrating.
 What method do you think is the most effective towards influence on politics?

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